Let's make your area rugs like-new again

Area rugs take a lot of wear and tear over their lifetime. Quality rugs can often be cleaned professionally. This allows us to remove a great deal of the dirt, pollen, pet dander, and other materials from deep within the fibers, giving you a fresh, clean area rug.

Using only the most advanced cleaning technology, state-of-the-art portable machines, and eco-friendly and allergen-free cleaning solutions, Local Mike's 310+ Carpet Cleaning gets the job done properly. That's why we offer a 100% customer service guarantee.

Why keep the rugs clean?

The rugs are a very important element in the image of a house or office. However, like carpets, rugs that are not cleaned regularly accumulate a large amount of dust and bacteria that cause multiple diseases such as allergies, asthma, among others. They also suffer a lot of wear due to the high traffic they receive every day or because they support the weight of furniture. That is where the importance of keeping the mats clean lies.
Cotton rugs
Our reliable service is built on hard work and industry knowledge. You can depend on our extensive experience, solid reputation, and competitive rates.
Cotton rugs
Our reliable service is built on hard work and industry knowledge. You can depend on our extensive experience, solid reputation, and competitive rates.

Why choose us?

  • State-of-the-art equipment with injection-suction system with hot water.
  • Suitable products for each situation in your mats.
  • Service on any type of rug.
  • Extraction of the deepest dirt without damaging your mats.
  • Highly trained and certified staff.
  • Satisfaction guarantee for our customers.

Additional services for your rugs:

  • Stain removal.
  • Eliminate pet odors.
  • Special fabrics or materials.
  • Dried up by floods.